Our Team

Prof. David Saldaña

Prof. David Saldaña

Principal Investigator
Modular Aerial Robots, Robot Swarms, Mobile Robotics
Jiawei Xu, PhD student

Jiawei Xu, PhD student

Research Assistant
Modular Robots, Multirotor Aerial Vehicles, Control Systems
Diego S. D'Antonio

Diego S. D'Antonio

Ph.D. Student
Modular Aerial Robots, Manipulation with deformable objects, Cooperative flying robots
Gustavo A. Cardona

Gustavo A. Cardona

Ph.D. Student
Formal Methods, multi-robot systems, aerial robotics.
Edward Jeffs

Edward Jeffs

Ph.D. Student
Karen Li

Karen Li

Undergraduate research assistant
Hanqing Qi

Hanqing Qi

Undergraduate research assistant
Leonardo Santens

Leonardo Santens

Grad student 2022 Research assistant
Bingxu Zhao

Bingxu Zhao

Grad student 2023
Thong Vu

Thong Vu

Undergrad student Computer Science and Business
Tony Wu

Tony Wu

Undergrad student Computer Science Engineering

Former Students

Brian Zhu

Brian Zhu

Undergraduate research assistant
Ruth Densamo

Ruth Densamo

MSc research assistant
Jitong Ding

Jitong Ding

Undergraduate research assistant
Challen Enninful Adu

Challen Enninful Adu

Undergraduate research assistant
Sebastian Ramirez

Sebastian Ramirez

MSc Student 2023
Swams, multi-robot systems, aerial robotics.
DJ Ammirato

DJ Ammirato

Undergraduate research assistant 2023
Alex Witt

Alex Witt

Undergraduate research assistant 2023
Michael Fitzgerald

Michael Fitzgerald

Undergraduate research assistant
Alex Towle

Alex Towle

NSF REU student 2023
Matyas Negash

Matyas Negash

Undergrad student 2022
 Shuhang Hou

Shuhang Hou

MSc student 2023 Research assistant